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   Our mission here at T3 is to provide students the Education, Skills and Confidence to achieve their goals. Whether your a first time firearms owner or a seasoned practitioner, we have the training that will benefit you.


   Our Basic Handgun class is well known in taking a new student and providing them the education and basic skills that will leave them with a gained confidence in Firearms manipulations.  The Advanced Firearms and Advanced Carbine classes will challenge any and all students. Our advanced Courses of Fire are based on real life scenarios, from Home, School, Church, Super Markets and Vehicle based theories.


   If competitions is your quest we have several Instructors that compete in many platforms of Firearms Competitions.


   Everyone associated with firearms should have the medical training to deal with any incident that may arise on or off the range, Our Tactical Medical Class is based on the TCCC Tactical Combat Casualty Care curriculum.


   Ladies, want the opportunity to train, network or just meet like minded ladies, join one of our Ladies Only classes, taught by our NRA instructor, shes amazing!


   If your around firearms at any length of time, the NRA Range Safety Officer's Class is a must. The class explains range standard operating procedures; details range inspection and range rules; and demonstrates stoppages and malfunctions on various firearms models. NRA Certificate Attained.


  When the time comes to apply for your CCW, our curriculum  exceeds the Colorado recommended criteria to obtain your Conceal Carry Permit. We also offer a option of hosting a session held at your location. Call for details.


  Our most popular and critical course is the 'Refuse to be a Victim' course, taught by NRA certified Instructors.  


Contact Info:
Facebook: @T3firearmstrainingllc

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